
Game Design Lesson 3 Wrapping Up Unit 1 Quiz Quizlet

Academic studies naturally coincide with rote teaching styles and textbook work. However, it is important to make learning exciting for students with interactive activities. Incorporating fun classroom games into your lesson plan offers a simple way to motivate your students, and encourage them to draw on their creativity and imagination.

These top 10 classroom games provide fun ways to engage your students in academic learning, without them even realising!

1. Charades

This simple but classic game is a great way to encourage your student to get out of their seats and participate in the lesson.

Resources: a list of people, actions or concepts related to the subject you are teaching.

Game: Select a student to stand at the front of the room and act out a word from your list (no speaking allowed). The rest of the class must then guess what the student is attempting to portray. Other students can shout out their guesses or put their hands up – depending on your teaching preference! Whoever guesses correctly can act out the next word.

Alternative: A more challenging version involves the student describing a subject-specific word but restricted by a list of forbidden words, e.g. describing 'habitat' without using the words 'home' or 'animals'.

2. Hangman

A traditional but interactive game which improves students' spelling and subject knowledge, but is also enjoyable.

Resources: whiteboard and pen or interactive whiteboard, plus a list of subject-specific words to inspire your students.

Game: Divide your class into two teams then select a student to stand at the front of the class and think of a word related to the lesson (or you could give them a suitable word). The student must then draw spaces on the whiteboard to represent each letter in their word. The rest of the class then guesses the word, one letter at a time (allow one student from each team to guess alternately). Incorrect guesses result in a hangman being drawn (one line at a time). The first team to guess the word wins, unless the hangman is completed. The game then repeats with another student thinking of a relevant word.

Alternative: If you feel a hangman would not be appropriate then use a different image – either subject-specific or think creatively e.g. a spaceman or snowman.

3. Scatter-gories

This fun game will encourage your students to think 'outside-the-box' and draw on a range of subject knowledge.

Resources: pieces of paper, pens/pencils and a list of subject-specific categories e.g. Earth and Space (topic): rocks, landforms, weather, and solar system (categories).

Game: Split students into small groups and ask them to note down the categories on their pieces of paper. Choose a letter (A-Z) at random and give students 1-2 minutes (depending on how many categories) to think of a word for each category, beginning with that letter. Once the time is up, allocate points for unique answers, i.e. if two teams write down the same word for a category then neither get any points. Repeat the game with different letters.

Example: Letter M – Topic: Earth and Space
Rocks: Metamorphic
Landforms: Mountain
Weather: Mist
Solar System: Mars

Alternative:If you class only has a small number of students then they could fill in the categories individually, rather than working in teams.

4. Bingo

A quick and simple game which never fails to motivate students in their learning.

Resources: whiteboards and pen or paper and pen/pencils, plus a list of subject-specific terms or concepts e.g. numbers, phonics, key vocabulary, scientific formulae or historical figures.

Game:Ask students to draw a 6 x 6 grid on their whiteboards or pieces of paper then select 6 words or images from the given list to draw/write in their grid. You must then randomly select a word from the list to describe, and students must guess the word in order to cross it off on their grid (if present). Continue describing different words until one student successfully completes their grid and shouts 'bingo!' (you can also award a prize to the first student who gets 3 in a row).

Alternative: Students can insert their own subject-related answers into the bingo grid, but this makes it more challenging for you due to extensive word choice and ambiguity. Also, if you have more time, then you could create your own bingo boards with specific vocabulary or concepts you are covering in that lesson (reusable).

5. Puzzles

This creative group game encourages students to work together and visualize academic concepts in an abstract way.

Resources: images, words, calculations or concepts printed or stuck on card/paper and cut into random shapes (puzzle pieces) e.g. maths calculations, chemical equations, subject vocabulary, historical figures etc.

Game:Separate your class into groups (or simply use table groupings) then hand out a puzzle for each group to piece together.

Alternative: Students can create their own puzzles on the computer or drawn onto card/paper for their peers to complete.

6. Draw swords

This quick fire game tests students' fine motor skills and promotes quick thinking, as well as generating some healthy competition.

Resources: Dictionary or textbook, plus list of key vocabulary.

Game: Split your class into small groups and choose a student from each group to start. The nominated student then places the dictionary or textbook under their arm. You then say a word or image which the students must then race to find in their book (like drawing a sword from under their arm!). The first student to find the word/image is the winner. The game continues with different words/images until every student has had a turn.

Alternative:If you have enough textbooks or dictionaries for every student then the whole class can compete against each other.

7. Hot potato

This fun classroom game encourages students to think on their feet and draw on a range of subject knowledge.

Resources: a soft toy, object or item for each group to pass round e.g. bear or ball, plus a list of subject-specific themes e.g. numbers – prime, composite, rational, fractions, decimals etc.

Game: Divide your class into small groups and hand out an object/soft toy to each group. The person with the object in each group will start. You name a title or theme, e.g. prime numbers, and it is then a race against time for the student to give 5 correct responses, e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, before the item/soft toy has been passed round everyone in their small group and returned to them.

Alternative: With small classes you could play in one large group, however shy students may find this intimidating because of the the pressure to give correct answers.

8. Pictionary

An old classic but also a great way for students to visualize their understanding in a fun team game.

Resources: whiteboards and pens or pieces of paper and pencils/pens, plus a list of subject-specific concepts.

Game: Students work in small groups. One student from each group is chosen to start and they must draw the subject-related concept you state, within a given time (30 seconds – 2 minutes). The rest of the group must then guess what he/she is drawing. The first group to correctly guess the word wins. The game repeats until every student has had a turn/there are no more words on your list.

Alternative: Students could model concepts using playdough for their peers to guess.

9. Quizalize

This fun and engaging quiz game allows you to test your students' knowledge, in any subject, using a motivating classroom team activity.

Resources: interactive whiteboard, devices for your students or an IT suite and a Quizalize quiz (create your own or choose from thousands of quizzes created by teachers from around the world).

Game: Once you've created or found a quiz on Quizalize, simply assign it to your students and they can access it from any device – no apps to install! Students visit, enter their class code (shown on the 'Launch Game View' screen) followed by their name and then they can play the quiz. Students' results appear in real-time, so they can track their score while they play (Click here to sign up and find out more).

Alternative: You can also set Quizalize quizzes as an interactive homework.

10. Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Although this game isn't academic, it is an excellent behaviour management tool which endorses hard work amongst students.

Resources: n/a

Game: 3 – 4 students are chosen to stand at the front of the room. The rest of the class then put their heads on the table and hold their thumbs in the air. The 3 – 4 students at the front then carefully tip-toe around the classroom and gently pinch one thumb each, from the students with their heads down. The 3-4 students return to the front of the room, once they have pinched a thumb, and the class raise their heads. The students whose thumbs were pinched then stand and have to guess who pinched them. If they guess correctly then they swap with the student at the front, and the game continues.

Alternative: To make this academic you could ask subject-related questions to select the students for each round.

Try out these exciting classroom games with your students and encourage them to apply their knowledge in new ways. These simple but effective group games are a great addition to any lesson plan.

What classroom games do you like to play? What do you and your students enjoy most about playing classroom games? Comment below – we'd love to hear from you.

Game Design Lesson 3 Wrapping Up Unit 1 Quiz Quizlet


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