
God of War Nornir chest guide and where to find every sealed chest - buckleybity1957

God of War Nornir bureau guide and where to find all sealed pectus

God of War Nornir chest

The God of War Nornir chests are e'er valuable hunt, rare treasure chests hidden around the back filled with special stat-boosting items like Idunn Apples and Horns of Line Mead. If you lav discover all the Nornir Chests hidden end-to-end War god, you can fix Kratos incredibly powerful, capable to go two-toe-to-square-toed with any of the game's gods or monsters.

Nonetheless, they're not easily establish Beaver State unsealed. Each Nornir chest has a puzzle associated with information technology - usually based around finding special pots or bells and using your axe on them in quick succession. Get into't worry though - we've got all the Nornir pectus locations listed for you on a lower floor, along with all the ways you need to agape them. Hera's how you can crack and open every Nornir chest in God of War.

Check out our video on a lower floor for all of the Divinity of War Nornir chest locations:

So here are the locations and solutions for all 22 God of War Nornir chests, only be warned there are story, power, and weapon system spoilers ahead. Beneath is the backhand guide to help you, complete with video recording time codes for each section, but I'd recommend observation the TV above for visual cues too.

Midgard Nornir Chests

God of War - Midgard map

There are a total of 17 Nornir Chests in Midgard, spread crossways every area of the map.


God of War - Wildwoods map

VIDEO: 00.52 - 1.40

1. The first Nornir chest of drawers serves atomic number 3 a nice introduction to how exactly these sealed chests study and you'll get hold it in the very first area of the game, Wildwoods. You'll reach a circular Isidor Feinstein Stone social structure with various paths coming off of IT. Take the one to the right, smash downward the wooden barricade, and there's the pectus. All three of the seals are located in the Sami room: one directly next to the chest on the right, another in the back corner to the left of the door, and the third in the tomb on the palisade left wing of the chest itself.

The River Go past

God of War - The River Pass map

Next upward, it's the the River Pass, which is the secondment area you'll come to on your floor.

VIDEO: 1.40 - 5.33

1. As you make your way through the fortified contribution of the map nearly your home, you'll make out across another Nornir pectus just by following the journey's path, it's pretty hard to miss. Withal, the seals are fairly fountainhead hidden. There's matchless up in the darkness to the left of the chest of drawers; another perched on the cliffs behind you and to the leftfield, and the third is the trickiest. IT's actually on the other side of the bridge, thus drop both halves and it's embedded in a rock on the other lateral.

2. IT's rugged to forget the River Pass's series of lace traps, especially because it hides by the solution to a Nornir treasure. The pectus itself is easy to spot,  but the runes a great deal fewer sol. The best way to tackle it is to make your mode through the puzzle and then drop the central impale panel so you john line its wooden top as you hark back connected yourself.  The first runic letter is in the cave on the inverse side, the second is behind the central platform and alone visible when information technology's dropped. The third is a little trickier. Stand on the center platform and and so raise it up an ax hit or two, then head over to rack up the runic letter that's hidden behind the wooden plank on the other English.

3. After you've fought your very premiere giant troll, submit a present moment to spot the Nornir chest of drawers that's lurking in the same battle arena. For this one you need to strike all three runic letter bells in excitable succession to unlock the chest. In that location's one directly behind the pectus, another to the left and the 3rd is directly along the other side of the arena. I recommend going for the third premiere then the last two.

4. There's a Nornir chest in the basement of the Lower Levels of the Witch's Cave, that you won't be able to wor until you've got the Blades of Chaos. When you've got them, you'll be able to access all indefinite of the runes required to unlock it. There's one in the wall up in the well you climb to progress to the Glamour's Woodwind instrument again. Other nestled underneath the bridge leading to the Witch's Cave door.  And the third is in the small board behind the exploding red vines.

5. This one's a diminutive bit more complicated and not even soluble until you've got the winds of hell at your fingertips. The chest is up on the shelf paired the turtle's head in the Witch's Woods. But you'll actually demand to start down away the turtle at the ruins. On the right side is the wind source, so take it and move on IT over to the left hand side of the ruins. Then headspring cover busy the ledge where the bureau is and die off all the way to the finish. Grab the wind from the ruins and move it to the destroyed runic letter mainstay back towards the thorax, at which point the runes will spin. If you wish to check which runes you need to hit, put the jazz on the holding point tail end the chest. IT's then just a case of matching the runes along the wind turbine and the axe-powered spinner to the ones on the chest.

The Lake of Ennead

God of War - Lake of Nine map

The next seven Nornir chests are all hidden in areas close to the Lake of Nine, although some you North Korean won't be able to entree until the take down of the piss has dropped, you have more powers or different weapons.


God of War - Veithurgard map

VIDEO: 5.45 - 6.22

1. The chest in Veithurgard is over on the left of the raised field and fairly hard to miss. The first seal is almost behind the thorax, accessible from the other lateral of the valley. The second is just to the left, behind the Stonehenge-like ruins. And the third is in the room simply to the conservative of the dresser along the tiny stone ledge.

Light Elf Outpost

God of War - Light Elf Outpost map

VIDEO: 6.22 - 6.58

1. You see the chest American Samoa soon as you draw up at the Low-density Elf Outpost, but the runes are a trifle more hidden. The first stamp is on the shelf of the ruins poking come out of the closet of the water to one side of the island. In that respect's another at the fundament of the slope near the blue crystal socket. And the last is warm the two irons leading go through to the dock, near the edge of those watery ruins again. Then the Light Elves' Nornir chest is yours.


God of War - Konunsgard map

VIDEO: 6.58 - 7.33

1. Solving the chest at the top of the giant door in Konunsgard is easier than IT looks. You father't actually need to find the third seal. Take the wind from the author by the chest and put it in the left hand orb. Hit both sides of the rotating rune ball so they ring (which is as tricky as it looks), and then hit the rune to the right of the door to unlock the chest.

Forgotten Caverns

God of War - Forgotten Caverns map

VIDEO: 7.33 - 7.58

1. This one's a little different, but information technology's easy to find right in that location past the dock. The Forgotten Caverns' Nornir chest is many about timing than finding the runes, because all trine are right next to the chest. All you've got to dress is hit completely three runic letter bells as they spin and ahead they stop ringing.

Fafnir's Storeroom

God of War - Fafnir's Storeroom guide

Video recording: 7.58 - 8.27

1. In the lush open space hardly foreign Fafnir's actual storeroom, there's a Nornir chest, and all three seals are same nigh, but you'll pauperization to ring them all in quick succession. There are two simply behind the chest of drawers and the parting unmatched is above the waterfall just to your leftover. Go with waterfall first and the other two are easy pickings.

Lookout Tower

God of War - Lookout Tower map

VIDEO: 8.27 - 8.48

1. Take out to the boat dock at the Lookout Tower and the Nornir chest is right there, waiting to be opened. But basic you'll need to bring dow the spikes. Hit the control panel above the thorax to spin it and retract the pointy bits, and so hit all three visible runes in quick succession.

Cliffs of the Raven

God of War - Cliff of the Raven map

TV: 8.48 - 11.01

1. This one requires a bit of manoeuvring, some spouting and a good deal of wind. Yay! It goes without saying that you'll need to have the winds of hell before you rump seek this cardinal. But when you do the Nornir chest of drawers is in the centre of the area. But first, you need the wind. Attend the big gate  near the dock, drop hit and use your axe to break of serve the plants internal in one shot. So go around the other side of the gate through the island to grab the wind, and so place it in the holding orbit to the left away the other big logic gate. Recur up to the thorax itself and leap complete to the furthest platform on the left where you'll see your wind.

Move the wind to the runic letter spinner on the past platform, and line information technology up with one of the runes happening the chest. Past put the wind connected the orbit in the centre of this field. Clamber up to the chest again, and take the wind from the centre the rune spinner on the same level arsenic the chest until it matches the rune on the loge, so put the wind back in the centre again.

Jump back across the platforms to the nigh of the chest, and ascent to the topmost one. Leap across the gap, grab your wind and spree it into the rune spinner thereon level, again waiting until the runes aline ahead returning the wind to the midpoint. Then just go and claim your appreciate.

God of War - Foothills map

After you've visited the Lake of Nine for the first metre, you'll head into the Foothills at the bottom of the mountain.

VIDEO: 11.01 - 11.50

1. In the area in front of Sindri's shop in the Foothills, on that point's a chest ascending the path and to the right. The first spinning rune statue is right rump the pectus. The second is back down the path and cancelled to the left. And the third is just to the right again, bottom a big log and protected past the poisonous substance obnubilate. You can hit the turbines showtime, merely you'll need to freeze the clou to get word what rune it's along. And then the cherish is yours.

The Mountain

God of War - The Mountain map

Of course, once you're ready you'll follow able to head teacher into the mountain itself, where cardinal Nornir chests are hiding.

VIDEO: 11.50 - 13.59

1. In the area of the Mountain you reach after solving the shop statue riddle, there's the premier Lashing Nornir chest. The spinning rune seals are stippled all around the area though. The chest itself is up in a room over at left hand of the area, accessible only via triggering the blue pathways. You'll need to trip the blue light prat the chest though, as that reveals the rune combination needed to unlock the pectus, which is painted in what looks like blood on the bulwark posterior. There's one rune along the itinerary out the door to the right of the chest rune. The bit is visible from the bridge in that respect too. And the third is sporting outside the entrance to the chest room.

2. The second rafts chest is just after the mini lift puzzle with the bucket full of crimson explosives - post the big flying dragon fight. The chest is very easy to place, but As familiar the runes are a bit more hidden. The firstly is across the bridge nestled in a bouldered bay to the right. The arcsecond is on the high level, accessible by fosterage the nosepiece, and freezing the mechanism.  Then information technology's just on the shelf at the top. The third is hindermost on the chest level, in the board to the left with the shrine in it.

Tyr's Vault

God of War - Tyr's Temple map

The final chest in Midgard is concealing in the bottom of Tyr's Vault, which you'll reach in the latter part of the God of War story.

Picture: 14.00 - 14.50

1. The solution to this Nornir chest isn't tricky, it's just well hidden. Pile in the blue depths of Tyrr's Overleap is a Nornir chest, out of sight behind the spike traps to the left of the first room. Single of the runes is hiding amongst all the treasure in the room that leads to the chest. At that place's other in the struts holding up the spike traps to the left of the second board - the one opposite the Tyr's Vault entrance. And just in case you Miss it, there's a seal hidden in the endorse of the second spike trap on your way back unsuccessful from the pectus.

Continue to Page 2 for more War god Nornir chest locations.

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God of War - Alfheim map

The realm of Alfheim is home to four Nornir chests, both internal the Temple of Light and in the surrounding sphere.

VIDEO: 14.51 - 17.58

1. Head to Alfheim's Light ELF Chancel and inside you'll find a moonlike, all but religious-looking complex body part, with a Nornir chest at the centre. Just about the structure hang the non three, but eighter bells, including the 1 on the deck. You need to work out which ones open the bureau, but we're present to help. Going from left to right, it's numbers 3, 5 and 8.

2. Down the slope to the left lateral of the door to the Synagogue of Brightness level, there's a Nornir bureau behind a door blocked by two vines you'll need to bang with 1 ax throw. And so you'll need to stumble all three rune bells quickly. There's unitary prat the chest, and cardinal in the immature courtyard outside. Hit the two outside first, and so head in for the third and the prime.

3. Just at heart the door to the Temple of Light is another Nornir chest. Now comes the precision and the rush requirements. There are three awkwardly positioned runes to hit, apace. Ane's behind the chest, another through the window connected the left of the platform and the third in the rocks higher up the platforms you climbed busy baffle here. Now comes the difficult part, acquiring all three without any of them stopping ringing. I had the best luck aside standing behind the trellis to the right of the chest, hitting windowpane bell, and so pectus bell and then quickly flipping to the stone bell.

4. Wrong the ringed temple trench, privileged the existent tabernacle of light straight at the bottom. thither's a pesky Nornir chest offset in the left alcove. If you drop the nearby platforms down all the way using the wheel and dress a quick 180, there's one Navy SEAL that emerges behind you. Getting the other cardinal requires lowering the platform the whole way down again, standing in the midst, and then increasing just the outer levels ahead freeze the cog over again. Both remaining runes are privileged the seams of the brocaded platforms. Sneaky. Then just enkindle the platforms complete the way again to convey your prize.


God of War - Helheim map

The last of the Nornir chests is concealed in the realm of Helheim, simply thankfully in that respect's just the one present, but you'll have to do this as you do the by and by parts of the history. And then if you privation all 22 chests for 100% completion, don't forget to coiffe this one.

Picture: 17.58 - terminate

1. When you return to Helheim later with Atreus, you'll find a Nornir pectus sensible in front you leap out happening the ghost ship, in the arena left of the boat ramp. Push the block into the gap to access IT, and the chest is directly in movement of you.  Use your blades connected the branches to your right to free the next block and then pulling it out a little way. There's a rune finished the gap to the left of the halt, perched on the stones. At that place's some other on the opposite side of the jam you've pulled. The third though, is a smaller higher up. Pull the block all the right smart eligible with the shelf to the right of the chest and climb up. Reward yourself with the wooden pectus then smash the last rune, which is perched on the pillar in the water to your right. Then sink and open that bothersome chest.

SAM Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the squad in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an AM in Journalism. In her fourth dimension, she's too had appearances on The Tutelar, BBC, and more. Her go through has seen her comprehend console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for o'er seven years, and for GamesRadar, she is in load of reviews, top-quality lists, and the overall functioning of the site and its staff. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-public RPGs, and attractively crafted indies. Basically, she loves every last games that aren't sports or fighting titles!


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